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The public sector manager's bible

From Strategy to Action is a book for public sector managers tired of spinning their wheels and prepared to tackle the challenging complexity of public service.


From Strategy to Action is for public sector managers tired of spinning their wheels, and prepared to tackle the challenging complexity of public service.

The public sector is skilled at developing ideas and articulating 'strategy'—clever acronyms, snazzy diagrams, and wall posters are a speciality.

Unfortunately, we are not quite as good at delivering on the promises this cleverness suggests.

Strategy execution occurs at a dismal rate in the public sector, and we are struggling to get shit done. The consequences of this are obvious and troubling; wasted time, wasted money and a frustrated public service who cannot deliver improvements for their customers and community.

Not because public sector managers are weak, lazy, or incompetent. Quite the opposite. Public managers operate in a highly complex and accountable environment prone to unique pressures: relationships to navigate, politicians to grapple with, bureaucratic processes to comply with, and relationship and reputational constraints galore.

The easier path lies in surrendering to these complexities, hiding behind these entirely legitimate excuses for underperformance, and being content with inconsistent and incremental improvements.

If this lack of action appeals to you, I suggest you stop reading. This book is not for you.

This book is for public sector managers who are tired of spinning their wheels and are prepared to tackle the challenging complexity of public service. This book is for public sector managers who are ready and willing to put their energy into getting shit done that benefits our community.

This book is for those willing to challenge behaviours and processes that don’t work and who want to try a different way of working so they can leave the office each day feeling satisfied and fulfilled.

The ideas in this book are based on extensive research and hands-on experience working with public sector leaders on strategic change, large and small.

The Strategy to Action framework is a simple yet powerful collection of methods that can bridge the insufferable gap between strategy and action. Applied successfully in public sector organisations across New Zealand, this framework promises to turn good intentions into powerful outcomes and deliver public value for the people who pay our wages.

However, like all sound methodologies, the framework is not enough. It is not a silver bullet.

Knowledge is power, but it is useless unless applied, tested and grappled with.

Creating change in your team and organisation will require consistent, concerted effort and energy. Consequently, this book is helpful for anyone needing to bridge the gap between thought and action.

But it is especially beneficial for a public manager who:

  • Is new to the sector and can’t come to grips with the glacial pace of change

  • Has worked in the sector for a long time and has become jaded by change fatigue and strategic buzzwords

  • Wants desperately to make change happen for customers and community but feels hamstrung by people, politics and processes

  • Has the mandate to drive strategy but is stuck in the weeds, drowning in business as usual (BAU) and can’t tell when or how to make it happen.


'A must-read for all NZ public servants'

- Nick Martelli

'Alicia does such a great job of laying out a simple, profound, effective frame for implementing projects and bridging the gap between ideas and actions that I’m tempted to recommend this book to everyone … except this book isn’t for everyone. However if you lead strategic change initiatives in the public sector, this book is most definitely for you. So much so, that if you were only to read one professional book ever, this should be it. After applying what you learn in From Strategy to Action, you’ll feel better about your role, and understand how to focus on the impact and value of public service, rather than being frustrated with the (admittedly frustrating) process. And, of course, as the strapline says, you’ll get more done … but more than that, you’ll be doing the right work, not spinning wheels. If you don’t work in the public sector, it might be worth considering it just to be able to apply this book and work with Alicia.'

- Peter Cook, Author The New Rules of Management: How to Revolutionise Productivity, Innovation and Engagement by Implementing Projects that Matter

"I really enjoyed the read. The book is friendly and accessible, pulling you in from the get-go. The scenarios described in it are so very familiar; it almost felt like you had been observing my own working environment! That what's wonderful about it – as the reader I felt that someone finally understood me and the frustrations I observe/experience all the time in the public sector. The book's clear and succinct articulation of the public sector's unique characteristics and challenges will help me and my peers to address the negative perceptions of outsiders and to manage expectations better. The shelvable versus actionable strategy section also strongly resonated with me. I've already started to apply the clarity/coherence/commitment language in conversations with my team and with other colleagues. I'm looking forward to reading more!'

- Harriet Shelton, Manager Regional Transport, Greater Wellington Regional Council

My last role in inner government was with a department charged with making government easier to work with. The idea was inspiring and the strategy was crystal clear but the ‘doing’ was… challenging. I really wish this book had been available then. In her straight-shooting no-jargon way Alicia shows how good strategy is crafted and more importantly, how to implement it for impact and deliver public value. If you’re in the public sector and trying to drive strategic change this book will become your bible.”

- Louisa Coppel, Director, The Big Picture Strategic Services

“This book is a straight-talking, practical wake up call for public sector workers who need to up their game from manager to leader. The pathway to get there? Less talk and more action. Alicia offers solid thinking and road-tested tips for accelerating implementation within an oft-neglected context she evidently knows and understands well. This book speaks my language, highlighting the importance of purpose, clarity, alignment and accountability. But more than that, it offers clear sight lines to making those things happen. I look forward to sharing it with my public sector clients and referring to it often in my practice. A Kiwi book yes, but one that’s useful to this Canuck too!”

- Dr. Rebecca Sutherns, Author of Nimble: Off Script but On Track – a coaching guide for responsive facilitation.

“From Strategy to Action provides a valuable insight to the struggles facing public managers to get shit done. From current experience I can well see myself staring back at me from each page. Whilst the focus appears to be on public managers working within organisations, with the increasing need to work across public organisations and others those struggles and frustrations are intensifying. I realise what needs to change – it is me. I look forward to delving further into how I can be a better leader with the tools that the book provides.”

- Liam Knight, Manager Community Services, New Zealand Ministry of Justice

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Alicia McKay is a public sector strategy expert

Alicia McKay is a public sector strategy expert, dedicated to supporting leaders to be more strategic, more effective and make smarter decisions.

Alicia is also the author of You Don't Need An MBA: Leadership Lessons that Cut Through the Crap and Local Legends: How to Make a Difference in Local Government.

Her influence extends beyond the public sector. Alicia has collaborated with over 120 government agencies, Councils, NGOs, and corporate clients, offering support in strategic leadership development and organisational strategy.LEARN MORE ABOUT ALICIA

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