Streamline Council Progress

When elected members intervene in operational service issues, everyone suffers.

This pack provides guidance, tools and templates to support Councillors to excel in their role.





When well-meaning elected members take on the mantle of pursuing their community's service requests, their heart is in the right place.

Little do they realise that the downstream lag they're creating is preventing the very progress and improvements they want for their community.

In this pack, you'll get the information, guidance and tools you need to: 

  • Explain why operational intervention by Councillors is such a problem
  • Support Councillors with a useful description of their role boundaries
  • Manage incoming requests fairly, consistently and efficiently
  • Evaluate how to respond to a request with a handy flowchart
  • Respond to community enquiries with six friendly, helpful templates!

Is this the guide for me?

This guide has been designed exclusively for local government Councillors and managers.

It's the result of 12 years of experience working with over a hundred Councils in New Zealand and Australia who are all facing the same issue - and suffering the same consequences.

If you're tired of the email chains, back-room grumbling and adversarial handbrake on your governance/ management relationships... this is the pack for you. 

If you're worried your induction process doesn't prepare Councillors to be strategic, community leaders, and you want to get on the front foot - this is the start you need.

Don't wait - grab your resource pack today!




How this all started

I've been working in local government for all of my career - first as a policy analyst and strategic planner, then as a management consultant and finally as a trainer and advisor.

I launched the Strategic Public Leaders development programme in 2022, when I realised how many Councils were struggling with understanding their long-term role and potential for impact.

In the course of travelling across Australia and New Zealand to deliver this programme, the same issue came up everywhere I went: a lack of clarity about the role of governance and management, especially when it came to handling community requests.

The solution seemed simple to me: clear role distinction, good guidelines, and useful templates and processes for doing better.

So I made it. Here's the video I posted that kicked off this process.


Get yours!

Click the link below to purchase your exclusive PDF resource pack. 



Strategic Public Leaders

Watch this video excerpt of my Strategic Public Leaders masterclass from the Australian Local Government National General Assembly 2022.

The culmination of three days hosting, presenting, and speaking to over 1,000 Mayors and Chief Executives from local government, this excerpts breaks down:

  • How strategy works in local government
  • Why running a Council is not like running a business
  • How to make progress through role clarity and strategic alignment.


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